Saturday, February 23, 2008

obsolete skills

I came across this Wiki of obsolete skills on SlashDot: It is a pretty diverse list, including Assembly Language programming and darning socks for example.

I seem to have a pretty healthy helping of these skills, and some of them make me feel pretty darn old. Blowing the dust out of a Nintendo Cartridge? I may not have any experience in that, but I sure know how to blow the dust out of a Colecovision cartridge.

(yes, and seeing the Ladybug cartridge at the ready like that brings a pang to my heart)

I am such a dinosaur that I also know how to change vacuum tubes (and I question that being obsolete. To paraphrase Steve Albini: when it comes to music, give me Analog or give me Death!) and the ribbon on a Selectric typewriter, clean VCR heads, adjust vertical and horizontal hold, use an old-style cable box to hack into the Playboy channel, and a whole slew of other undoubtedly outmoded technical skills. Hell, I can even play 36 versions of Pong and Hockey. There's something to put on a resume right next to "can use the Card Catalogue" (sorry kids, you'll have to Google that one).

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